Aviation Photography Wavytail Buda Weather: Current Weather: Buda History: Buda

Weather in Buda, Texas

Please follow the links at the side of the page to observe weather in Buda, Hays County (We are in Elliott Ranch, near the junction of 1626 and 967).
We offer the following:
- Local current weather measurements taken by a home weather station (Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus)
- Real-time lightning activity across Texas and beyond (Boltek LD-250 and Astrogenic Nexstorm software)
- Current readings for the whole of Texas (METAR data as used by aviators)
- Forecast data for the whole of Texas (GRIB data as used by forecasters)
- Historical data from the Vantage Pro in order to follow trends
- Highs and lows for local and state-wide data
- A webcam to see what it's like out of the window!

Weather consoles
This is the Vantage Pro console with the Boltek LD-250 sitting next to it. The webcam is at the window, behind the white Sonos music box, while the sensor suite for the Vantage Pro is visible in the garden beyond. Not visible here are the anemometer or the lightning antenna, both of which are mounted elsewhere.