Aviation Photography Wavytail Buda Weather: Current Weather: Buda History: Buda

Buda, Texas, weather forecast

Current Weather in Buda, Texas

US/Imperial EU/Metric
Time14:00:00 Local5th October 202314:00:00 UTC
Temperature67 °F19 °C
Dew Point65 °F18.33 °C
Humidity94 %94 %
Pressure20.87 in/Hg
942 mb
Wind Speed0.00 mph0 kmh
Solar Radiation7 W/m27 W/m2
UV Index0.000.00

Estimated cloudbase: (if clouds are present): 400 ft
In short:

Rainfall Today: 0.25 in
Last 24 hours: 0.00
This month: in
This year: in
Last good rain:

Disclaimer: This weather is provided by Jo Hunter for the benefit of those who wish to know.
Weather information from this website should not be used for aviation or marine activities.
Please consult official weather sources for operational purposes.

0.00 MPH from the  (0 °)

Twilight Times (Local)
Astronomical: 06:07
Nautical: 06:35
Civil: 07:02
Sunrise: 07:26
Sunset: 19:13
Civilian: 19:37
Nautical: 20:05
Astronomical: 20:33
Daylight: hours